Friday, April 29, 2011

April 28: 24 Week Ultrasound

We had our 24 week ultrasound and Nugget was being shy. Nugget did not want any pictures taken and kept putting his/her hands to his/her face. Everything looked great though! Baby continues to be VERY active. No more flutters. Mama feels full on kicks. Sometimes in the middle of the night. I suppose it's all preparation for what's to come...we can hardly wait.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011: Nugget Got a New Pair of Shoes

Two to be exact. Aunt Nancy and Uncle Rich brought these all the way back from Peru and they are so darn cute! I can't wait for Nugget to wear them.

April 17, 2011: Planting Grandpa Bill's Lemon Tree

We planted a Meyer lemon tree in our yard in loving memory of Grandpa Bill today. (Thank you Cantieri Family!) We can't wait to pick lemons from our tree someday with little nugget and tell him all about Grandpa and what a wonderful man he was.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

March 29, 2011: The First Flutters

Along with the 20 week milestone, I've noticed some significant changes. The first and most exciting is I can feel the baby move now! Most of the time they felt like little taps or flutters but sometimes, it almost feels like popcorn popping in my stomach. I think baby is doing somersaults in my stomach when that is happening.

Secondly, I feel like my baby bump is growing by the day!Here are some pictures of the ever-growing belly.

March 29, 2011: The Half Way Point

Nugget is 20 weeks today! It's hard to believe that I am half way through the pregnancy already. Mama celebrated the milestone with some delicious brownies.