Friday, November 16, 2012

November 9, 2012: Luca walked today!!!!

Our little man took his first steps! Such an amazing day to see him start walking. We couldn't be more excited.

November 7, 2012: 15 months

Any day now this handsome little man will be walking. In the meantime, he's talking more - all done, deer, ball, kitty, banana, light are the popular words these days.

October 31, 2012: Halloween!

Luca's second Halloween. He had a great time carving a pumpkin with daddy and going to the door to see all the kids. No trick or treating yet, though. Maybe next year when he's walking...getting close!

October 27, 2012: The Pumpkin Patch

A few photos from the pumpkin patch this year:

October 7, 2012: 14 Months

From one month to the next Luca has changed dramatically. He has really stretched out and is looking more and more like a little boy, not a baby. A few photos from the past month, enjoying the last few days of summer and the change in the weather. He also knows to hold up one finger when we ask him "Luca how old are you?". It is so cute!

Twinsies with daddy!

September 7, 2012: 13 Months

Some of my favorite 13 month pictures of Luca. He sure is getting more and more animated! High fives, picking up his phone (or our phones) when we say hello, standing and letting go and always laughing! And he got his first two teeth a couple of days after his 1st birthday!