Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23rd: 36 Weeks and 4 days - Who are these crazy kids?

Nugget, these crazy kids are your soon to be parents. We look crazy but we aren't (well maybe just a little!) We were at Auntie Sara and Uncle Jeff's wedding in the photo booth a couple of weeks ago and in another photo booth the next night for our friends Ryan and Jeanine. Both were beautiful and so much fun.

Nugget is doing great these days. Growing steadily and VERY, very active. The doctor's think baby is about 6 lbs, 1 oz! Hard to believe that baby could come any day now. I will be considered full term on Tuesday and both Chris and I could not be more excited. We have the hospital bag by the door, the car seat in the car and the bassinet all set up in our room so we're ready for whenever Baby Cantieri decides to come!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 16, 2011: One month to go

One month until my due date! Hard to believe that very soon, we will have a cute little baby to hold. What started out as this cute little Nugget of a baby (hence where Cantieri Nugget came from), will soon be a baby with a name! Will Nugget look like Baby Cristy or Baby Christopher? We can't wait to find out.

Baby Cristy

Baby Christopher

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 14, 2011: Nugget's 3rd Baby Shower!

My very sweet coworkers Tracy, Lindsey and Lisa threw me a fabulous little baby shower at the office!

They made some delicious desserts, finger foods and Bellinis. 

All my coworkers chipped in for some very adorable, generous and thoughtful presents and signed a very cute card designed by Rachel!

I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends at my office.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011: 35 Weeks

It's been 7 weeks since I've posted a baby bump photo and my, has Nugget grown! (28 Week Photo) The bump is no longer a little basketball but a full-on watermelon. Luckily I still feel great and can move around just fine. Nugget continues to be very active, especially in the wee hours of the morning or late hours of the evening. All in preparation for what's to come, I suppose! We couldn't be more excited. We can't wait to hold little Nugget and put a face and name to the cute little baby that keeps hiccuping in my stomach.

Monday, July 4, 2011

June 25, 2011: Baby Shower #2

Our good friends Kristen and Jill, threw us the most amazing baby shower. It was perfect from the delicious food to the great company.

Here are the chefs Sean and Kristen BBQing it up. 

Nugget was putting on a show for the girls. Such a ham!

Here are mommy and daddy opening up some of the adorable presents for nugget.

Who's bump is bigger?

The hilarious favors!

Thank you to all our friends who spent the day with us celebrating our little one!