Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27: 3 months

For those of you that have not checked the blog in awhile, it is probably because I hadn't posted any pictures since August! The past 3 1/2 months have flown by but we have been enjoying every single minute with the little guy. I have finally caught up so check out the past 10 posts with pictures from Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Luca at 3 months. He is growing up so fast!

Luca is just chilling, watching TV with mama

Luca is such a happy baby!

November 24: Luca's first turkey day!

Luca looked so cute in his turkey outfits - one from Nana and Papa and one from Grandpa Bill Jr.

Luca with his cousins Jamie and Gianna

Luca with Mommy and Daddy

November 13: A Fall day in Napa

Another beautiful fall day in the bay area and what better way to spend it then in wine country. Luca looked so handsome in his Ralph Lauren outfit.

November 9th: A trip to San Francisco

Luca and I went to the city to enjoy the really beautiful, fall day.

We started out with lunch in the Mission district to catch up with Auntie Jill, just back from her honeymoon:

Then headed over to the old apartment at 3119 Jackson Street so Luca could see where Mommy and Daddy lived:

Then over to the Palace of Fine Arts:

And lastly to enjoy the view of the city and the Golden Gate Bridge:

Friday, November 25, 2011

November 3rd-5th: Luca's first trip!

Luca's first trip on an airplane was to none other than Las Vegas for Chris' cousin's wedding. In the infamous sin city Luca... gambled, danced the night away with the ladies in his very first tuxedo and strolled along the grand canals of Venice (at the Venetian that is).

Luca is up to no good in this picture...

The fall display at the Bellagio

The canals at the Venetian

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Luca on Halloween

 Luca had two costumes this year! The cow costume his grandma Cristina sent him which he looked absolutely adorable in! And the second is a penguin costume which his mama made him.

Luca at the pumpkin patch

We took Luca to his first pumpkin patch to pick out his first pumpkin. The one we picked was almost bigger than him!

Week 11

Luca is the biggest snuggle bug. We absolutely love it.

Here he is taking a nap with mama:

And here snuggling up with great-grandma Jeanie on her birthday

And here with daddy:

Week 10

What a cutie in his penguin pajamas!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weeks 8-9

Pictures from when Grandpa Bill Jr. came to visit.

A present from Grandpa

Video from 10.13

Weeks 4-5

Pictures from when Auntie Mony, Abuelita Cristina and Abuela Aida were here to visit:

4 Generations of the Rogel Family:

Luca and Auntie Mony (such a snuggle-bug!)

Luca at the Farmer's Market in Novato

Luca and his three great-aunts - Kathy, Nancy and Pat 
 Video from 9.14