Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 12, 2011: The day after the baby shower

Chris and I had fun opening up all the presents in the baby room and putting together some of the items. Here is daddy putting together the pack and play!

June 11, 2011: The Baby Shower Continued

Aunt Melissa made us the most beautiful diaper cake. Lots of cute and necessary things for little Nugget.

My mama, Nugget's future Abuelita Cristina.

Chris' mom, Nugget's future Nana Pam.

Nugget's future Aunties - Sara and Jill.

Chris' grandma - Nugget's future great-grandma.

My Aunt Kathy and Cousin Amy came too!

Nugget got a lot of cute things! Here are some of my favs -Giraffe Sleep Sack, hats and outfit, hand crocheted blanket and hat and SF Rocks Onsie.


June 11, 2011: The Baby Shower

Aunt Melissa and Nana Pam threw Nugget and I the most beautiful baby shower. Nugget is going to be spoiled!

The Peter Rabbit theme was so cute and the food was incredible!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

29 Weeks: May 31, 2011

We went to the doctor yesterday and got to see nugget in action. Lots of kicking, strong heartbeat and nugget is weighing in at around 3lbs!

28 Weeks: Babymoon

The babymoon was a success! Mom, Dad and Nugget enjoyed lots of good food, long walks and lots of rest.

Here mom and dad celebrated their 3rd anniversary with a nice dinner out. Nugget's favorite part of the meal was definitely the chocolate cake.

As the babymoon came to a close, we found these cute little mittens for nugget. We can't wait for him/her to wear them!