Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 17, 2011: 18 Week Ultrasound

We got a couple of new pictures of nugget today including a 3D version. Nugget is looking healthy and measures 7.5 inches!

March 13, 2011: Grandpa Bill

At Grandpa's showing him the baby bump.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 10, 2011: 17 Weeks - The start of the baby bump

Boy that came out of nowhere. One day I had nothing, the next I had a little bump.

February 10, 2011: Our second ultrasound. No longer a sea monkey.

Nugget has fingers and toes and a little cute nose. How quickly the baby develops into a little human being with well-defined features. It’s quite a difference from the first ultrasound.  And boy is the baby active which is fun to see. Of course I can’t feel a thing but it really cracked up Chris and I to see little nugget kick so much.  

January 4, 2011: Our first ultrasound. Eduardo is a real baby!

Eduardo is what I call my food baby.  He had been replaced with a real baby. This was the most amazing day for Chris and I because it made it all extremely real. Our little nugget was growing inside my belly and had a strong heartbeat.  A wave of emotions passed over me – first relief to see and hear my baby’s heart beating. Second – a moment of swooning at how happy Chris looked when I looked over at him. I couldn’t love him more than I did on that day. And third a rush of so much love for this little baby. I couldn’t wait to be nugget’s mom. 

December 25, 2010: The Day we told our parents and my sister Mony

Chris and I hosted Christmas dinner with his parents, Pam and Lar, my mom, Cristina, and my sister, Mony.  Our final present to them was the news of the pregnancy. None of them had suspected because Chris and I had been pretty sneaky up until that point. While they were congregating in our living room awaiting the champagne toast Chris and I were pouring, we kept giggling to each other in anticipation of their reaction. 

We handed them the below card and sure enough, they each had the reaction we had talked about.  It was priceless and we couldn’t have been happier. It was the best Christmas ever!

December 10, 2010: The Day It All Began

It was a Friday morning. I sprang out of bed… I never spring out of bed. We had barely begun trying but I knew something was different. I was late. I was never late. I had to take a test. Chris was still sleeping but I couldn’t wait. I needed to know one way or the other.  Sure enough the test was positive. I felt this rush of excitement like I’ve never experienced before. I quickly contemplated hiding the test and telling Chris after work so I could surprise him and we could have the rest of the weekend to celebrate but I couldn’t do it. I ran out of the bathroom and jumped on the bed and screamed “I’m pregnant!!!”.  It took a few seconds for him to wake up and realize what I had said, but when it finally hit him, we laughed, we cried and rubbed my belly to let out little Nugget know we couldn’t be happier.