Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 18-27: Our little boy

Our little boy is all boy. From driving daddy's truck to playing in the sand and getting it everywhere to making the funniest faces, there is never a dull moment with him. We have so much fun hanging out with our little man (who's hair just keeps getting crazier!). Oh and did I mention he is a complete water baby. LOVES the water.

June 17, 2012: Father's Day Weekend

Chris' first father's day! And what a weekend it was. Saturday we enjoyed a day at the beach with a lovely picnic and some time in the sand. The weather was beautiful, 90 + degrees with a slight breeze. Luca had a blast digging his feet in the sand and playing in the water. Sunday was time with the Cantieri family. It was so neat to see 4 generations of Cantieri boys all together. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 7, 2012: 10 Months!

Luca is 10 months and such a big boy now - crawling, standing, saying mama and dada, eating all sorts of big boy food and his hair is getting REALLY wild. It's the California look! He really is so fun to interact with these days.

10-month birthday cake - pound cake with fresh whip cream, bananas and blueberries (His first cake. I don't make these every month. haha)